Brandon Muccitelli: 7 Reasons Why You Should Join WPAW Right Now

Everybody knows that Pace’s MCVA department provides many different opportunities for students who are hoping to get hands-on experience when it comes to everything media based. There are plenty of opportunities for writers, filmmakers, and students who simply enjoy the world of entertainment. But, did you know that there’s an extra special organization that focuses on radio and more specifically, entertainment media? Well, WPAW, the radio station of Pace nation is a club every media lover should join if they find themselves craving some form of creative catharsis! WPAW specializes in everything music-related, being the quintessential radio station that can meet the needs of the student body. There are many things one can gain from joining WPAW as a general body member or even running for one of the executive board positions. Here are 7 reasons why you should absolutely-without-a-doubt-no questions-asked join WPAW right now! 


  1. You can have your own radio show

Yes, you can have your very own radio show where you can play music, do a podcast, or simply just do a mixture of both! The radio shows are really the meat and potatoes of the WPAW experience. They teach volunteers the basics of broadcast and the presentation of oneself for the entertainment of the Pace community. Of course, there’s no pressure here at all, since everyone who has their own show is doing it for fun and is using the platform to express themselves in a varied and welcome manner. Students who have their own show will utilize WPAW’s Spotify account for music, Winamp for broadcasting, and Audacity to record the show. With 5 microphones in the studio room, you can bring in your friends to really liven up the broadcast, and maybe even have a good laugh or two after those delirious nights of work and studying.

  1. Learn how to DJ

DJing makes up most of the other parts of WPAW’s multimedia endeavors.  Many eboard and general body members have become well-versed in the art of DJing. WPAW has all the parts necessary to make the most seasoned DJ’s with equipment like, a bevy of aux cables, microphones, speakers, a laptop, and of course the illustrious DJ board itself! Connecting the board to the laptop allows the student to access the Virtual DJ software that is utilized to play music at events and mix various tracks together to enhance one’s professional DJing experience. At the end of the organizations weekly meetings, the eboard is willing to provide DJ practice for students, or simply to fine-tune their skills prior to playing at an event. In addition, you can personally check out WPAW’s soundboard, used specifically for longer events that require multiple wireless mics, and even the mother-of-all bass speakers dubbed “Bertha” by the eboard. These tools are all at your disposal and can help you become a full-fledged DJ! 


  1. Hone your skills as a videographer/photographer

Even if you’re not all about that radio/DJ life, you can still find some amazing ways to do the things you love at WPAW! Recently, the organization has published its video/photo request services, making the club open to all video/photographers who want to test their skills at events. The eboard members are all MCVA majors; so they are comfortable with the camera and are ready to shoot videos and take pictures during any of their scheduled events for the semester. Of course, students of all majors are more than welcome to come and volunteer, not just those who are well-acquainted with the camera. The eboard will be more than happy to show you the ropes and let you use their equipment too! In many instances, members of the club have taken video and interviewed performers at the traditional WPAW event, Open Mic Night, and have also taken pictures of attendees as well. You can definitely flex your video production skills and get some experience filming events, editing promos, or taking amazing group pictures for the WPAW Instagram

Click the link to see a video of a past Open Mic Night:

  1. Attend a variety of events on campus

The good thing about being a member of WPAW is that it allows you to attend all kinds of events on campus and potentially meet new and interesting people! Every semester, WPAW receives DJ requests from other organizations on campus that would require music and/or sound equipment for their events. These events range from mobile food pantries to Spirit Week events, to various Greek Life events, and to the annual events like Fabulosity and  Pacebound,  just to name a few. Besides getting valuable DJ experience from attending these events, you also get the opportunity to potentially network with many people and build strong relationships between the radio station and much of the campus. Bolstering the scope of your positive impact toward the Pace community is always a plus! 


  1. Add skills to your resume

While you’re at it, add some of your newfound DJ, radio show, and production skills to your resume! These are all useful and worthy skills that you can put on your resume and in turn, can give you optimal traction in the search for internships and jobs. If you’re an MCVA student, then most likely you’re looking for something in the world of broadcast, video, and entertainment. You can *wow* companies with your experience in content creation by showing them that you are a valuable member of Pace’s multimedia organization!

  1. Become a team-player

The station of Pace nation is a very tight-knit group that depends on each other to get the job done. When you’re out in the real world, you need to know how to work in a team effectively. Luckily for you, WPAW houses many friendly people who are all willing to learn from each other and ensure  that their shared bonds and passions push them toward success. If you wish to become an eboard member, you will learn how to be responsible and how to prioritize tasks. Overall, the eboard members act as a well-oiled machine with everyone making sure they get their job done, this way the next can do the same. Whether you’re making a detailed list of the radio shows, e-mailing organizations about upcoming events, or preparing a budget for the next major WPAW affair, everything gets done as a team. Not to mention the club often practices enjoyable team-building exercises to rally support and build strong friendships among all the members.

  1. Chill and enjoy the music and the company  

Just want to chill out and talk music for an hour or so? Then come on by! It’s very common at general body meetings that there is at least a half-hour session of simply talking about what’s happening in the music industry. Whether it is about the halftime show, the Grammy’s, or the recent albums that have been taking the community by storm, there’s always plenty to discuss. Times like these are perfect for those who want to decompress from the stress and general monotony of schoolwork and would like to just revel in something that everyone can commonly talk about. What’s even better is that WPAW’s room is very homey, containing two comfortable futons, multiple seats, a tv, and many dim lights to create a relaxing aura.  

Current WPAW eboard ’19 – ’20: Back Row, left to right – Brandon Muccitelli (secretary), Emily Alfieri (treasurer), Ralph Gamba (media manager), Katherine Szewczyk (event planner); Front Row – Sarah Morge (DJ manager), Blake Rozelle (president), Devin St. Jean (vice president) 


Not convinced? Just come to a meeting on Monday nights at 9:00 pm on Willcox’s 3rd Floor! Trust me, you’ll want to join the station of Pace Nation in no time! 

Website:               Instagram/Twitter: @WPAW Facebook: @WpawPLV YouTube: WPAW Pace Soundcloud: WPAW (Pace Radio Station)


About the Contributing Writer:

Brandon Muccitelli is a Media, Communications, and Visual Arts major with a Creative Writing minor. Brandon has interned at Westchester Magazine (2019), TMPG Uncover (2019), and recently completed his internship as an assistant scriptwriter at a media production company, Ripe (2019-2020). Brandon is the current secretary of WPAW, the Pace radio station. Brandon is expected to graduate in 2020.